The Activity Tracker receives date & time information from your phone. If the time is off, this means it either has not been synchronized since a time change (for example daylight savings time) or lost pairing with your phone at some point, but that's an easy fix. Just follow the steps below. 

Step 1: Synchronize with your phone. 
  • Make sure the Activity Tracker / Smart Watch is charged.
  • Confirm that Bluetooth is turned ON, on the phone. 
  • Open the Zewa-Fit Pro App and tap on "Status" in the bottom left corner of the app. 
  • Tap and slide down the display to force a synchronization. You will see a small circle appear on the top of your display indicating it is synchronizing (it may only appear for 1 second). 
  • Check the time on your Activity Tracker / Smart Watch and confirm the time is correct. 

Step 2: If the above did not fix the problem, follow these steps.

To unpair tracker follow these instructions: Unpair Activity Tracker

To repair follow these instructions: Repair Activity Tracker