When downloading measurements from a multi user Zewa Product, the MyHealthConnected app only shows 1 user or combines user groups 1 and 2 into the same user. This is done by design. 

Why was the decision made to only support 1 user in the app? 

This is due to requirements from our Remote Patient Monitoring Clients. Here is a real life scenario and consequences when 2 users use the same product even if the product has 2 memory groups. 

  • User 1 takes 5 readings and they are saved into user group 1.
  • User 2 takes 5 readings and they are saved into user group 2. 
  • User 1 forgets to switch the memory group and starts taking readings, but because the memory group was not switched, those readings are all stored into memory group 2. 
  • The end result is that user group 2 now was readings from user 1 and 2. In other words, the reports are now mixed. 

Due to the above, it is good practice, and with our connected products by design, that the we only support 1 user per product and 1 user per app.